Thank you, Mr Principal, my teacher, and all my friends. I’m honoured to be here today, I stand before you not as an expert but as a concerned citizen, one of the billions of people around the world who want to solve our climate crisis.
As a student and an ordinary person, I always try my best to help to solve this problem. I’ve joined some organisations which are established to help to fix this problem.
I believe all of us have looked at climate change in the same way: as if it were fiction, happening to someone else’s planet, as if pretending that climate change wasn’t real would somehow make it go away.
But I think we know better than that. Every week, we’re seeing new climate events, evidence that accelerated climate change is here now. We know that droughts are intensifying and our oceans are warming. We are seeing extreme weather events, and increasing temperatures throughout the world.
None of this is rhetoric, and none of it is hysteria. It is fact. The scientific community knows it, industries and governments know it, even ordinary people know it. A farmer in Indonesia recently said that climate change has decreased his harvest. And it proves to us that climate change is our single greatest security threat.
My Friends, with climate change now we are facing a difficult problem which is threatening our lives and it is happening faster than we thought. We can’t wait for a second chance.
To be clear, this is not about just telling people to change their light bulbs or to buy a hybrid car.  This is now about our decision; it is particularly about how we change our lifestyle and habits positively in order to prevent this problem.
This is not about who we are or where we are; it is a human one. Clean air and water, and a livable climate are inalienable human rights. And solving this crisis is not a question of politics. It is our moral obligation
I am not a scientist, but I don’t need to be. Because the world’s scientific community has spoken, and they have given us our prognosis, if we do not act together, we will surely die.

So, now is our moment for action. It is our time to be echo people, to spread the word.   We only get one planet. We can’t wait for other people to solve this problem. It must be started by our own self. We are facing a big problem and now it’s OUR turn, the time to answer the greatest challenge of our existence on this planet ... is now. We can make history..or be it.


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