What makes life more meaningful? Some people may say that having a lot of money is the main key to be a happy person. Some others may say travelling a lot will make life meaningful. All of these are true, but life is not only about money or having a lot of money or travelling a lot. Life is more than that. If we just think that life is only about having money how poor are we.

We all know that human being consists of two things or are performed by two aspects, physics and spirituality. Those two aspects must walk together. We can’t deny one aspect and just rely on another aspect. Because if we just focus on one aspect, It means we don’t want our life being in a balance. Keeping these two aspects means that we want our life balances, spiritually and physically.

I think it is true. We can easily find through our own experiences or our readings that there are many people who are known as the most famous and richest person who are not enjoying their lives. They think what they have is not enough. They always try to be more rich and famous. It looks like they will never feel satisfied with what they have. They want more and when they don’t get what they want, sadly sometimes they end their life with drugs and self-killing. These facts might prove to us that being rich and being a famous person won’t guarantee to be happy.

On the other side, there are many people who live in a simple way. They don’t have enough money and they are not a famous person either but they have made a lot of things which make their life and the others live more meaningful. They always try to make their life meaningful for their own self, family and their community. Some of them say that life is not only about having and taking but more than it should be giving and sharing. No matter how much and how many things do we have, as long as it comes from our heart it will be an amazing gift for others.

So, we might say that life is not only about having a lot of money to make us happy, but it is about sharing and giving what we have to the others who really need it as well. Happiness is not about how long and how many countries you have visited or travelled to. It is about how many good things that you have done during your life because when we do a small meaningful thing for others, happiness does not only belong to them but belong to us as well.


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